Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Heaven

There has been a lot of coverage about the "Occupy Wall Street" (and locally, "Occupy Portland") movement recently. But I am much more concerned about another movement that started thousands of years ago, that I would like to call "Occupy Heaven".

All of us want to "Occupy Heaven" one day. Who wouldn't? Gone is the hardship and sin of the world. Instead of a 9-5, bills, bosses, disease, pain and the curse of pride, we get to spend forever in an infinitely rewarding relationship with our creator and all of the other people in heaven in a city so beautiful it is beyond words.

Most people think they are good enough to get to heaven just the way they are.  The fact is NO ONE is good enough just the way they are to enter heaven (Romans 3:23).  Anyone who says different is a liar (1 John 1:8).  Since no one who has sinned can get into heaven (Romans 6:23) that means that ALL of us (myself included) are marching toward hell (Revelations 21:8).

Does that concern you?  How does that make you feel to know that as of right now (if you do not believe in Jesus Christ) that you are headed for hell?  I hope that concerns you greatly, because I do not want to see you go there!

But there is good news; If you repent of your sins (change your mind about sin) and believe in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15) you will be saved!  There is no "catch".  No amount of "good deeds" that can get you into heaven.  Only trusting in Jesus Christ as your lord and savior can get you there (John 14:6, Acts 4:12).

I pray that I see you "Occupying Heaven" one day with me.

God bless you!


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