I am not really big into politics anymore, but what I have heard about Herman Cain, I REALLY like. Herman Cain's 999 plan has cause a fairly big stir. But I think if you met with Mr. Cain person to person, he would probably be more concerned about you knowing about the 777 plan.
What is the 777 plan you ask?
The 777 plan was the plan put together by God before the creation of the world. Why should you be concerned with that plan? Let me break it down for you:
Have you ever told a lie? Stolen something? Used God's name in vain (Like saying "Oh my G-d")? Lusted after someone?
If so, then you have broken God's laws. So if God is a judge, and you are in his courtroom when you die, that would make you guilty.
What happens to people who are guilty of sin? They go to hell...but there is a way out...
2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ, fully man and fully God (Yes, Jesus Christ is God), came to earth and took your punishment. The punishment you deserved for the sin you are guilty of, Jesus took in your place so that you could go to heaven. All that Jesus asks is that you repent (which means to change your mind about your sin, doing your best to obey God) and believe in Jesus Christ and you can go to heaven.
Many people think that we get to heaven by how good we are. Don't be fooled. We only get to heaven by belief in Jesus Christ. Jesus HIMSELF said this in John 14:6.
Please friend, repent of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ today. Herman Cain and I both love you and want to see you in heaven one day.
God bless you!
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