Monday, October 17, 2011

Wanna Get High?

Support for marijuana legalization is at an all time high (no pun intended).  However, so is depression.  What bothers me is that there is that Marijuana is still considered a schedule one drug, which means that it:
"(A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse.
(B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
(C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision."

In other words, this drug has ZERO positive effects.  Oh sure it might help you relax (until the paranoia sets in), and might make you laugh (at things that really aren't funny), but pretty much all of us also knew (or currently know) someone who has become so addicted to the drug that is has negatively affected their lives in numerous negative ways.  

I am convinced that deep down, people use this drug to escape reality and fight a sense of emptiness or depression (whether they know it, or accept it or not).  

People who abuse this drug want to feel good, they want to get high. All of us want to feel good, to get a "high" if you wiil...


To quote the Christian Rap Group Frontlynaz: "WHAT'S HIGHER THAN HEAVEN?!?!"

I can tell you as a person who was saved by Jesus Christ, there is no better feeling than knowing that no matter what happens, heaven and Christ is waiting for me.  I want to tell you about heaven and how to get there.  But before I can do that, I need to tell you about the harsh reality.

God has standards (laws) that he requires us to obey.  I'm sure you have heard of the ten commandments.  Let's take a look at just a few of them:

Have you ever stolen something?  Lied?  Used God's name as a cuss word?  Lusted after someone?  If you have, that means you are guilty of breaking God's laws.  So if you died right now and stood before God, that would make you guilty.  And since God is a good judge, he wont be bribed by our "good deeds" and must make sure that justice is served.  That means that if you are found guilty, He must send you to hell.

How does that make you feel?  Does that scare you? It should.  

...But there is good news....

2,000 years ago, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the penalty for your sins.  He willingly sacrificed Himself, taking the punishment that you (and I) deserve so that we have the opportunity to be with Him in heaven forever.

Isn't that great news!?!  You are probably asking yourself, "What do I need to do to be saved from hell and to get into heaven?".  God knows that we will constantly struggle with sin and trying to do right rather than wrong.  So all he asks of us is that we repent (change our mind and attitude about our sin, desiring not to sin anymore) and believe in Jesus Christ and we can be CERTAIN that we will be saved.

I hope this makes sense to you.  Please feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions.  I also highly recommend watching the video in the upper right hand corner of this webpage for a video explanation of the good news of Jesus Christ.

God bless you!


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